5/1/13 – WTF Is Happening?

…is a question you may be asking yourself, especially lately. There are many answers to this, here’s one: Male/Female Energy is going through a massive, massive cleansing right now. Karma is being burned, contracts are being broken, and for the most part, your ‘release’ system is on. Whether or not you’re consciously trying to release, it’s happening for you. Those who are in resistance in any way may be experiencing feelings of: anxiety, fear, frustration, anger, tension, stress, illness, pain, and general non-alignment with ‘how life is supposed to be’. Most everyone is in some kind of resistance; the larger the resistance, the bigger the emotional blow-back.

Everyone, the cords are breaking. As male and female energy comes into maturation, old ‘games’ are being revealed, and a desire to ‘grow up’ is taking over. Male/Female energy wants to be at peace with itself on the micro, macro, civil, and political levels. This desire-to-grow is magnetically attracting situations in our lives that 1) give us a chance to choose growth, whereas our former selves would have chosen to repeat, and 2) create a deeper desire to continue growing. Thus, the cycle continues.

illusion isThe vibration of Truth is rising above the illusions, like a flower breaking through concrete. The concrete is a very persistent illusion, material and hard, but the Flower is of god. The Truth comes out. People are coming out. They’re coming into acceptance of their Energy. Your energy wants to flow in the direction of your nature, and for many lifetimes you’ve been able to choose not to flow in that direction. In this lifetime, in 2013, you will not be able to choose resistance. The flow is happening for you, and those who surrender will reap.

Allow the wholeness of male/female energy within you to manifest in the way your higher self is choosing. Say a prayer of forgiveness (it can be basic, don’t freak yourself out) just say the words, “I release all energy in my space that does not serve my highest good, and I bring balance to all of the Male/Female energy within me, and I allow my energy to be itself.”

Tomorrow we will talk more about the idea of ‘coming out’.

‘Til then,

The Jester

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